just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
OK friends lets be honest, if a Nuclear Holocaust took place today how many of you would return to the KH?
by James Mixon inspeaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
just fine
Nothing could ever make me go back to that mess of a cult. -
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
just fine
Why do I need an alternative to JW's?
i don't - I have no need for others to tell me what to do and how to do it. I am happy without them and see no need to replace that in my life.
Some thoughts on the Brooklyn real estate website
by JeffT ini took another look around the new website ( https://www.watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com/ ).
first they have two properties listed here 124 columbia and 85 jay street.
these have to be worth a lot of money.
just fine
Nycprop.nyc.gov lists124 Columbia Heights as valued at $8,060,000 -
by EJ257 inplease be aware of everything that is happening around the world at this moment in time.
this goes to anyone, ex-communicated, removed, serving, believer and non.
at this point in my observations i have realized many religions/ideologies know there is some sort "end of time" or a transition into a new order of living in this earth.
just fine
Maybe he needs some of the weed LovesJehovah's got. Might settle him down a bit. -
For the Supporters of Those Who Love Jehovah
by lovesjehovah ini am jehovah's witness, despite some of the questionable teachings, crimes, and other outlandish behaviors of specific people affiliated with the religion.
i know that my relationship with jehovah is not influenced by any outside factors.
i do not condone any crime.
just fine
Oh boy - cyber bullying has resulted in the loss of many lives?!?! The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society through the Jehovah's Witnesses, at the supposed command of Jehovah has caused the loss of many lives through their teachings and beliefs (disfellowshipping & blood issues anyone?)
Please don't come to an ex- JW site posting about how great he is and then act like a victim when no one agrees. I don't need your validation of my beliefs, and you do not need mine.
The Thief of Always
by YinzerDad inprologue... .
a brief precursor about myself.
i've been lurking around for almost 2 years.
just fine
I had a hard time really feeling anything. Not happy not sad, nothing. The therapist I went to said that sometimes kids brought up in cults have just shut down their emotions because it was all too much for our little minds to deal with.
You're not alone, it looks like quite a few of us have the same experience. It took me a few years to make progress in this area, I have been out 17 years, and I am happy, have passion, and am at peace with life. Don't let your upbringing be what defines your life now.
Good luck and welcome.
83,000 theocratic facilites?
by average joe ina bethelite was telling me that there are 83,000 theocratic facilities world wide.
he compared that to 35,000 mcdonalds and 21,000 starbucks roughly to show the size of the theocratic organization.
i am not sure where the 83,000 comes from what would he be counting?
just fine
Maybe he was just lamenting how hard it is for the people attending the 83,000 facilities to only 21000 Starbucks and 35000 McDonalds for coffee breaks. Oh the horror ;-) -
Hearing Set in Delaware Suit Against Jehovah's Witnesses Elders' Failure to Report Sex Abuse
by OrphanCrow inhearing set in delaware suit against jehovah's witnesses elders' failure to report sex abuse.
the judge is set to hear arguments in a civil lawsuit by the attorney general's claiming that elders of a jehovah's witnesses congregation failed to report an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were congregation members.. state law requires any person, agency, organization or entity who knows or in good faith suspects that a child is being abused or neglected to call a 24-hour hotline.
the law specifically states that the reporting requirements apply to health care workers and organizations, school employees, social workers, psychologists and law enforcement officials.. but a lawyer for the sussex county congregation is arguing that the elders are protected from the reporting requirements by clergy privilege, similar to the confidentiality of a church confessional.. .
just fine
Where I live there was just a disclosure by the Mormon church of child abuse by a teacher to a student. When the church elders were told about it, they reported it to the authorities. It was the student who told the bishop about it. The Mormon church had no problem calling the authorities, it is my understanding both parties were members of the church. They didn't try to play the clergy privilege card. I hope it doesn't work for the JWs. -
Retirement Planning for ex-JW's
by Simon inthis is something i think about a lot, possibly because i'm just getting older.
it seems that not only should i finally one day decide what i want to do with my life, but i should also be planning for retirement.. hands up everyone who feels their future has been royally screwed by the wts experience?.
if you were a good jw and followed the wts advice you could well be finding yourself facing middle or even old age without much or anything put aside in retirement savings.
just fine
When my husband and I were first starting out we sat down at the beginning of every month and wrote down how much our pay checks were and subtracted all the bills we had for the month. That showed how much was left over, we decided how much was for savings, how much for eating out, etc. it really helped us to save some every month and watch our spending.
We still do it albeit more loosely now. Also whenever we got raises we put them in our 401k's instead of getting used to spending them. Now we both are maxing out our retirement accounts. I got a late start in college due to bring a JW, but I was able to pay for a Bachelors degree by working and some scholarships. And I became the coupon queen back in those days :-)
I miss my family so much. I thought I was over it but I have breakdowns every few months thinking about my family
by macys inas most of you know i have been shunned by my family for 2 years because of a photo posted on facebook of me kissing another girl at a party.
the matter was not dealt with fairly but it is over now and i am 100% certain that jdub org is a cult.
but i miss my family so much.
just fine
You can't change how other people act or what they say. You can only control how you react to their actions. You can never change yourself enough to make someone else happy. Get some help working through your emotions/feelings before you make any decisions.
In JW world whatever you do, it's never enough.